Popular Garage Door Trends So Far in 2023

chi sterling garage door

Popular Garage Door Trends cover a range of subjects, including new technologies, design trends, and maintenance tips. Here are some popular topics that have been making waves in the world of garage doors: Smart garage door openers: With the rise of smart home technology, garage door openers with Wi-Fi integration and smartphone compatibility are gaining […]

What to Do When Your Garage Door Won’t Close: Troubleshooting Tips

garage door not closing

It’s frustrating to have a malfunctioning garage door, especially when you’re in a hurry to leave the house or store something in the garage. If your garage door won’t close, don’t panic just yet. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you solve the problem: 1. Check the photo-eye sensors The most common reason why […]

New Garage Door Opener with Camera

garage door opener with camera

Liftmaster’s latest models feature a garage door opener with a camera. They have had a few come out recently and they just replaced the 8360W, one of their DC-powered chain drives, with the 84505 R. That’s their mid-level machine with the built-in camera. Liftmaster is calling it the Liftmaster Secure View. Basically, it has a […]

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