Popular Garage Door Trends So Far in 2023

chi sterling garage door

Popular Garage Door Trends cover a range of subjects, including new technologies, design trends, and maintenance tips. Here are some popular topics that have been making waves in the world of garage doors: Smart garage door openers: With the rise of smart home technology, garage door openers with Wi-Fi integration and smartphone compatibility are gaining […]

What to Do When Your Garage Door Won’t Close: Troubleshooting Tips

garage door not closing

It’s frustrating to have a malfunctioning garage door, especially when you’re in a hurry to leave the house or store something in the garage. If your garage door won’t close, don’t panic just yet. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you solve the problem: 1. Check the photo-eye sensors The most common reason why […]

Quality Garage Door Services and Daylight Savings

Carriage house door big windows

Maintaining the quality of your garage door is essential. With the clocks going back next week on March 12th it is a good reminder to take care of the bi-annual maintenance items around your house, like changing the batteries in the smoke alarms and of course lubricating and inspecting the garage door. The extreme temperature […]

How Long Do Garage Door Springs Last?

Garage doors are a convenient and common feature of modern homes. One of the most important components of a garage door system is the springs, which allow it to open and close smoothly and safely. So how long do they last, and what can you do to ensure they work properly throughout their lifespan? What […]

5 Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a New Garage Door.

expensive garage door mistakes

Using a handyman or DIY to install the garage door. One of the most costly mistakes people make when buying a garage door is attempting to do the installation themselves or using a handyman to complete the job. DIY garage door installations can often lead to expensive repair bills and may even void any warranties […]

How to Make Garage Door Quieter

balance garage door

We all know how loud and disruptive a noisy garage door can be, especially if you have bedrooms above the garage and people trying to sleep. Luckily, there are several things you can do to help make your garage door quieter. Oil and Lubricate One of the easiest ways to reduce the noise coming from […]

Tis the Season to Love Your Garage Door with 3 Tips to Get Ready for Winter

winter garage door

The cold weather is coming, and that means it’s time to start preparing your garage door for winter. If you want to make sure your garage door is ready for the harsh conditions, love your garage door this season and follow these three tips: 1. Check the weather seal to make sure it’s in good […]

Balance And Your Garage Door, Why Is It Important?

garage door torsion spring

Today, I want to talk a little bit about the Garage Door balance. What is it and why is it important? So basically when we check to see if a garage door is balanced. We’re asking how heavy or how light it is with the springs.  A garage door properly balanced should go up and […]

Garage Door Won’t Stay Closed…Floor Reverse

garage door won't stay closed

A garage door that won’t stay closed can be a frustrating ordeal especially if you are on the way out the door. Today we are in Sparta, NJ with a garage door that is floor reversing. As the door comes down, it hits the floor and then starts coming right back up. This most likely […]

Garage Door Springs, What You Need to Know!

garage door extension springs

Today, I want to talk a little bit about Garage Door Springs, probably one of the most important parts of your garage door. It’s actually what lifts and lowers the door. The spring acts as a counterbalance. And as the door lifts, the spring releases tension until the doors open and the spring is fully […]

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